Led by the National Autistic Society, the most recent World Autism Acceptance Week took place from 2nd - 8th April 2024.

Visit the NAS website to read more about autism and to access some fantastic ongoing resources.

Many of our own services here at the MioCare Group actively support autistic people and so we are always very keen to take part in the campaign, to contribute and to keep learning through the week and into the future.

Earlier this year, our Supported Living Service celebrated an updated Autism Accreditation.

During World Autism Acceptance Week 2023 we successfully hosted a 'Spectrum Colour Walk' and so we invited people to gather again in 2024 (asking them to wear some of their brightest clothes and colours) to enjoy a communal, accessible stroll around Chadderton Hall Park.

We raised some money for the National Autistic Society in the process, too.

Chadderton Hall Park is home to our Learning Disability Wellbeing Service. Janet, Thomas and other regulars gave people a warm welcome before Matthew set the pace. The sunshine even made a brief appearance!

A brilliant effort - see a few photos below that we posted to our Facebook page...

Much like the National Autistic Society, we want to transform our society into one that truly works for autistic people.