Recently, we've put together a new booklet for people spending time at Medlock Court.

It has already been useful to residents as they begin their journey with us, helping them to understand what to expect during their short time in our Residential Reablement Service.

The 'Your guide, to your care' booklet includes sections titled…

  • Your journey in more detail
  • General information (including about meals, visiting, etc)
  • A photo gallery
  • What people are saying about us
  • An introduction to some of the team
  • Privacy and dignity
  • Quality assurance
  • Compliments and complaints

We have a printed booklet in each room at Medlock Court (as well as a few more copies placed around the building) ready for people to read on arrival and throughout their stay.

If you would like to view and download a digital copy of the booklet yourself, please click the image below;

Welcome to Medlock Court - Your guide, to your care.pdf

Finally, a huge thank you and well done to Harry (one of our Business Support Officers at Medlock) who had a big hand in creating this new guide as part of his NVQ Business Administration Level 3 - a qualification he's now completed with 'Distinction'.